Engr. Clarence Khian C. Torres
Position: President Emeritus
HAU Email: [email protected]
Age: 23
Program: BS in Aeronautical Engineering
Year(s) Active: 2024-2025
Department: SEA
Facebook: View Profile
About Me
Leadership is action and not a position.
Affiliations, Awards, and Activities
Societal Responsibility
Henry Ford once said, "Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success." As an Angelite, we should not only be excellent in the four-corners of the university, but be of service to our community. In this day and age, the spirit of volunteerism should manifest our actions, be an instrument of change in our community, and as a youth, who is a hope of our nation we should take part in the nation building.
Character References
I've known Khian for years now and he was an exemplary leader, both to the school and his Church community. I also him evolve from an extremely shy person to an individual that is vocal, participative, and confident through his numerous events where he participated as a speaker. Despite being busy with school works and council tasks, I've seen him pull those off with his strong morale. The best thing about him is he was still kind, approachable, and humble even with his achievements and massive growth. He has grown out of his shell, and I know he is ready to take on a greater responsibility.
The School of Engineering and Architecture is one of the largest departments in our university, so being its CSC chairperson takes a lot of real courage and responsibility. Knowing Khian Torres is running for the position will surely give the lions the leader that they deserve, someone who can represent and lead the student body responsively. We both served on the University Student Council a few years ago, and since then he has continuously developed and portrayed the core values of a true servant leader who advocates for student welfare and development. He is hardworking and very dedicated to serving the students in any possible way. Because of this, I can say that he is one of the most qualified student leaders for the Chairperson position of the SEA Department. He is the student leader that we can trust to carry our pride as lions up to the next academic year!